The Floradoras of 1952 
Boys:  "Tell me pretty maiden, is there any more at home like you."
  Girls:  "There are a few kind sir,"
Left to Right: Carol Johnson Korn, Charles McDowell, 
Florence Rogus, Barry Hiney, Helen Kriete, George Wahl, 
Valerie Valcourt Hargreaves, Rodney Conover, 
Arlene Allgor, John Kulp.
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The 1951-1952 Orchestra
under the direction of Dr. Baggs
Click here to see the picture enlarged
Front row (L to R):  G, B, Janette Thomas, Richard Curran, Edward 
(Ned) Knudsen, Arlene Allgor, Florence Bolte
Second row:  Joan Knorr, B, G, B, G, G, G, G
Third row:  Ray Rosenstein, G, B, B, etc.
Third row right of pole:  Janet Tepper
4th & 5th rows,right of the pole..............Carlton Adler
Standing:  Dr. Bernard Baggs, Allen Carlson, B, B, Charles Mc Dowell,
G, Janet Pratt, right of pole:  B, B

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